Nothing is more annoying than computer programs that load slowly. Or even worse, computers that crash. Fortunately this is easy to prevent. There are different ways to prevent your Windows 10 computer becomes slow. Follow these 9 tips so that the speed of your Windows computer or laptop remains in optimal condition!

1. Restrict or disable graphic effects

Of course all those graphical effects in Windows 10 look great. Unfortunately your computer or laptop has to perform a lot of calculations because of this. Is your Windows machine getting slow? Then it is an option to disable the graphic effects. To do this, go to Control Panel > System and security System > Advanced system settings> Performance > Settings.

Check the “Best performance” option here. Disables all graphic settings. Via the “Custom” option you determine which visual effects continue to function. Although the interface of Windows is getting faster, the interface will look less attractive.

2. Automatically started applications

Many programs are started automatically when you boot Windows 10. These programs then continue to run in the background of Windows. The computer constantly uses extra calculations for this. Often, however, you do not need all automatically launched applications. It is possible to determine which programs Windows does or does not need to launch automatically. By switching these off, your computers will become much faster again.

3. Top priority: protect your computer

Many Windows computers become slow due to viruses. Malware can temporarily or structurally damage the computer. Moreover, malicious software almost always reduces the speed of your computer or laptop. It is therefore essential to prevent virus infections on your Windows system. Not only does it help to be careful with files that you download. Installing a virus scanner should also have top priority.

4. Replace old hardware

It is not always the software that makes a computer slow. Thanks to the hardware, your computer or laptop can also become slow. Globally, 3 hardware components determine the speed of your computer or laptop: the processor, hard drive and working memory. If one of these components is (severely) outdated or no longer works correctly, this will affect the computer speed. Sometimes it is necessary to replace an outdated computer component to improve the speed of the computer.

5. Literally keep the computer clean

Not only old hardware can make the computer slow. Dusty hardware is also a problem that slows down the computer. Computer fans of your PC can attract a lot of dust. When the dust particles begin to accumulate, the computer may not be cooled sufficiently. Especially a too hot processor makes the Windows computer much slower.

Make sure that the computer attracts less dust by putting it on an elevation. This prevents the computer from becoming slow due to dust.

6. Use many programs at the same time

Are you a true “multitasker” on the computer or laptop? Then it may be that the computer has to use a lot of computing power. Try to prevent Windows from running unnecessary processes in the background. Especially heavy programs such as games and graphic applications have a lot of influence on the speed of your Windows computer. So close these processes completely when you are not using them.

You can see exactly which applications are running via Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) > Processes. With the right mouse button it is possible to end specific processes. Thanks to the released computing power, the Windows 10 computer may possibly function better. Make sure however, that you do not disable essential programmes.

7. Install the latest updates

Windows regularly asks you to update the software. Always perform these updates as soon as possible. This not only makes your Windows computer better protected against viruses. Processes are also improved and Windows works better with all software and hardware on the system. Crashes are less common thanks to these updates and the computer becomes slower less quickly.

Also always update the drivers of the hardware in your computer. These drivers ensure that things such as graphics cards, the processor or the main memory continue to function optimally. The most recent versions of the drivers are easy to find on the hardware manufacturer’s website.

8. Reset Windows to factory settings

Restoring the Windows computer or laptop regularly can also prevent your computer from becoming slow. For Windows 10, this feature can be found under Settings > Update and security > System recovery > Reset this PC. Restoring to factory settings usually provides a considerable speed boost.

Note: it is recommended that you back up all your (important) files in advance.

9. Empty your hard disk

Always try to ensure that your hard disk does not become too full. A full hard disk is often the cause of a slow Windows 10 computer. In particular, the hard disk on which Windows is installed should be kept as empty as possible. The operating system stores temporary files on this hard disk in order to function properly. Is the disk almost full? Then it takes longer for Windows to find space to store the temporary files and the computer becomes slower.

Stop your computer from becoming slow

Follow these 9 tips to make sure your computers stays fast for a longer period of time. Especially installing regular updates and good antivirus software ensures that your computer does not become slow. Are you still looking for a reliable and affordable virus scanner? Then quickly take a look at our cheap and reliable software offers.

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