System recovery in Windows 10? This is how you do it!


Have you recently experienced a problem with your Windows 10 PC, but do you not know exactly what is the cause of this? Then it can be difficult to find the right solution. Do you know when the problem started? Because than a system recovery in Windows 10 may offer a solution. This handy option from Windows can be used to restore the system to a time when the PC was still functioning without any problems. The Windows 10 system recovery is able to fix software errors, incorrect installations, rollback updates and more.

Are you wondering what the Windows 10 system recovery can do for you? Or would you like to know which steps you have to follow to restore your PC to a date in the past? We are happy to explain it to you!

System recovery troubleshooting

System recovery is commonly used to fix unknown problems in Windows 10. Have you recently encountered a problem with your PC? But you cannot figure out exactly what causes this problem? Then it is really difficult to find a suitable solution. Of course, you can take your PC to a computer repair point for checking, but you can also try to fix the problem yourself using system recovery. To reset your Windows 10 PC to a date in the past, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the control panel

2. Then click on “System and Security”

3. Click on “System” and go to “Advanced system settings”

4. Then go to the “System Protection” tab

5. Then click on “System Restore”

You can then undo system changes by restoring the PC using an earlier restore point. Was your PC functioning properly a week ago? But have you experienced a system malfunction in recent days? Then you can choose to reset the system for at least a week in the past. You can enable a Windows 10 system recovery at any time, provided you follow the step-by-step plan above. Your PC creates an automatic restore point after major changes, so you can always return to the previous period after an update or installation. But of course, this does not guarantee that the problem with your PC will actually be resolved thanks to system recovery in Windows 10.

System recovery Windows 10 does not work

Unfortunately, System recovery does not provide a working solution to all PC problems. Do you have Windows 10 and system recovery does not work? Then that can be very annoying. You can always try to place the restore point even further in the past, but even then it does not guarantee that your PC will function 100% properly again. When System recovery does not work for your Windows 10 PC, it is recommended that you still find out what is causing the problem. On the basis of this you can search more specifically for a suitable solution.

Recovery options for the following issues

Do you suspect what may be causing the problem? Then you can start looking for a solution for this. On the support page of Windows you will find an overview of common problems and corresponding solutions. For example, do you suspect that the latest Windows 10 update is the cause of the problem? Then you can roll back this update in the hope that it fixes the problem. The same applies if you have recently installed a new program or a new application. Also in these situations you can consult the Windows support page for a solution.

Is your computer 100% up to date?

A common cause of computer problems is that the software is no longer up to date. For example, is your computer still running Windows 7 or Windows 8? Or maybe even an even older version of Windows? Then it may also be the cause of the problem. Not all programs are compatible with older versions of Windows and this may cause a problem in the software. Especially if you have not made any updates for some time, there is a chance that the problem arises from this.

The same is true when your PC doesn’t have a antivirus software. If your computer is not protected against viruses and other security risks, your PC is more likely to be infected. As a result, automatic updates can be blocked, unwanted malware can be installed on your PC and it can cause annoying consequences. Therefore, always make sure that your PC has a current antivirus program!

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