Answers for the 7 most frequent asked questions about Excel!


For many people, Excel is the #1 favourite program of the whole Office 2019 package. However, not everyone is familiar with the useful features within the calculation program. Do you also have a question about Excel or are you curious whether you are aware of the most popular functionalities within the program? Then be sure to read on. In this blog article, we cover 7 of the most frequently asked questions (and corresponding answers) about Excel!

1. What is Excel and how does it work?

Excel is one of the most popular programs within Microsoft’s Office 2019 package. With the calculation program for individuals and companies you can work out endless calculations, tables, graphs and more. This includes keeping records, calculating averages and making bar charts.

To use Excel, you must first install the latest Office 2019 version. In addition to Excel, this package also consists of a number of other useful programs, namely: Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher and Access. You can choose to purchase a separate license of Excel 2019, but you could save some money when you buy the Office package as a whole.


2. How do you add in Excel?

One of the easiest functions in Excel is making an addition. If you want to add numbers in different cells, you can use the AutoSum function. Select the cell below / next to the row or column you want to add together and press the button “AutoSum” within the tab “Start”. Then all cells are added together and displayed below / next to the row or column.

3. How do you calculate the average in Excel?

Would you like to calculate the average of a number of cells within Excel? This is very easy to do! Select the cell below / next to the row or column you want to add together and press the “Average” button within the “Start” tab. After this you will immediately see the average of the numbers within the selection. In addition, it is also possible to calculate the median or mode with Excel. The median is the middle number of a group of numbers, and the mode is the most common number within a group of numbers.

4. How do you create a table in Excel?

Creating a chart in Excel can range from relatively simple to quite complex tables. But it all starts with arranging the data you want to process in the tables. Make sure you have a good structure and group all data that belongs together. Then click on the “Format as chart” button in the “Start” tab. You will then see an overview of all kinds of different designs that you can apply to your data.

5. How do you make a chart in Excel?

To be able to make a chart in Excel, a data table is first needed. Select the table and then go to the “Insert” tab and click on “Graphs”. Then choose the type of chart you prefer and what best fits the data you want to display visually. After this you have the option to adjust colours, the legend and other things to taste. The most commonly used charts in Excel are:

  • Bar chart
  • Column chart
  • Line chart
  • Pie chart
  • Stacked area chart
  • Funnel chart

6. How to make a pie chart in Excel?

As mentioned briefly at point 5, the pie chart is one of the most used graphs in Excel. Follow the steps as described in the question “How do you make a chart in Excel?” and at the last step select the option “Pie chart”. The most commonly used pie charts in Excel are:

  • Circle chart
  • 3D circle chart
  • Circle-of-circle chart
  • Circle-of-bar graph
  • Ring chart

7. What are macros in Excel?

A macro in Excel is the automation of repetitive operations. If there are certain actions that you regularly perform in Excel, you can record them as a macro. Before you can get started making macros, you need to activate this. Go to “File”, click on “Options” and then go to “Customize Ribbon”. Then select the checkmark at “Developers” and save this change. An extra tab now appears in the Excel menu where you can find the function “Record macro”. After this you can get started making your own macros.

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